WACF's Legislative Agenda
WACF’s legislative agenda is based on shared priorities from our member organizations. These priorities are carried out by Jill May, our Executive Director, and Amber McPhee-Millard, our lobbyist. Your own advocacy is also very important. Please reach out to let us know how you can support these legislative priorities.
2025 Legislative Session:
Legislative Win! Child Placing Agencies (CPA) Division
In 2023 the legislature passed a rate increase that helped sustain independent living service providers. The result was an increase of $750,000 million a year ($1.5 million biennium).
Independent Living Services One-Pager 2023
WACF One-Pager -
Legislative Win! Family Prevention and Support Services (FPSS) Division
In 2022 the legislature passed a rate increase that helped to ensure the availability of in-home prevention services. The result was an increase of $8.5 million a year ($17 million biennium). The new rate was a 45% increase from the previous rate.
Combined In-Home Services - One-Pager
Combined In-Home Services - Cost Study -
Legislative Win! Child Placing Agencies (CPA) Division
In 2020 CPAs were successful in obtaining a badly-needed stabilizing 7.5% rate increase which the legislature acknowledged was needed but was, unfortunately, vetoed due to the COVID-19 emergency. As a result of more advocacy in 2020 it was included in the 2021-23 budget.
CPA One-Pager 2021
WACF 2020 CPA Overview
Legislative Win! Family Preservation & Support Services (FPSS) Division
In 2020 the legislature passed a rate increase that improved the rate for travel time to provide prevention services to families that are at risk of entering foster care. In 2021 this increase was listed as a suggested cut to the governor’s budget due to the pandemic. We were able to keep the rate increase that went into effect July 1, 2020, which maintained the $2.3 million a year proviso that improved the rate of pay for travel to family homes for the 2021-23 budget. - Prevention Services One-Pager 2021 -
Legislative Win! Family Preservation & Support Services (FPSS) Division
In 2020, the legislature provided 1 million dollars to bring the travel time rate up from 75% to the full hourly rate of $65. - WACF Prevention Services Travel Reimbursement
Child Placing Agencies (CPA) Division Agenda
CPA One-Pager Final -
Legislative Win! Intensive Services (IS) Division
Provider rates were increased to cover the full cost of care for group care agencies (BRS) and a small increase for BRS foster care. Behavioral Rehabilitative Services increase for group care was consistent with the results of 2018 BRS Rate Study. - WACF 2019 Intensive Services Advocacy Agenda Update 12-11-18 REVLegislative Win! Family Preservation & Support Services (FPSS) Division
The legislature passed 2nd Substitute - 2SHB 1645 establishing a Certificate of Parental Improvement for individuals who have a founded finding of abuse or neglect. - WACF CERTIFICATE OF PARENTAL IMPROVEMENT-1-30-19
The Washington Association for Children & Families' 2019 Legislative Agenda
2019 WACF Leg Agenda One Pager 1-4-19 REV
Child Placing Agencies (CPA) Division Agenda
2019 CPA Division Public Policy Agenda Update 1-4-19-REV -
Legislative Win! Intensive Services (IS) Division
In 2018, the legislature passed a proviso requiring DCYF to conduct a rate study. - Behavioral Rehabilitation Services Rate StudyLegislative Win! Family Preservation & Support Services (FPSS) Division
The legislature passed SB 6309 extending the time period for cases to remain open in FAR to 120 days rather than 90 days. - WACF FAR Extension Summary Final
The WACF 2018 Legislative Agenda -
Legislative Win! The Family Preservation & Support Services (FPSS) Division
The legislature provided funding to bring the travel rate up from 50% of the vendor rate to 75% of the vendor rate. - WACF 2017 travel rate Final
The WACF Public Policy Agenda - 2017 Legislative Session: -
Legislative Win! Child Placing Agencies Division
The legislature restored the agency fee rates (8.63%) after reductions in 2009 and 2011 and included a cost of living increase (9.4%). The total annual fiscal request was for $925,000. WACF CPA Rate Restoration One Page Summary
Full Legislative Agenda and Division One-Page Summaries: -